Tag Archives: intentional

Pulpit, Yes. Soapbox, No.

We each have a pulpit.

We always have.

Whether or not we’ve used if effectively, it exists.

We have been standing on these pulpits for years now.

Living our lives, describing our values, our beliefs, our faith, to the people around us in great detail.

Sometimes we may have even used words to do this.

It’s been said that only 7% of communication is obtained verbally.

That means that 93% of communication is obtained simply by watching someone’s behaviour.

It’s safe to say that the people we surround ourselves with often, have a pretty good idea of what we hold as important. They have seen how we respond to adversity. They know how we handle a set-back. They know where our hope is. They know whether we respect your spouse simply by how you talk about him or her. They can see where our priorities are when we are talking about the weekend.

No two individuals have the exact same pulpit. Each one is a little different.

These pulpits are a chance to speak into other’s lives as well, let’s make a concious choice to not misuse the influence we have in our various environments.

Think of the people around you as your congregation, and your life as the message.

We need to open our eyes and realize who our own personal congregations are.

It’s our co-workers, the guys at the gym, the people on the bus, the waitress in the restaurant, the list goes on. In this day in age we also have a tremendous opportunity to step up to our cyberspace pulpits too!

Facebook friends, followers on Twitter, and our circles on Google+.

Let’s use these connection points to encourage others and speak life and blessing into everyone we cross paths with.

Let’s choose to be intentional in thought, word, and deed. People may not believe what you say, but they will always believe what you do.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15 NKJV)

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